Re­ports say Jerome Bless­dell, and Fe­lipe Cole were en­ter­ing a B15 ve­hi­cle along the East­ern Main Road in the vicin­i­ty of FEI TENG Su­per­mar­ket. The men were con­front­ed by gun­men who ...
Act­ing Cpl Ashraph Mo­hammed, 45, of Chin Road, Cunu­pia, and PC Ja­son Dan Michael, 34, of Char­lieville, al­leged­ly kid­napped Kunge­be­har­ry, a 32-year-old used-car sales­man, and de­mand­ed a ...
On the eve of his 75th birth­day, Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley gave his strongest state­ment on whether it would be his last year of elec­toral pol­i­tics in Par­lia­ment last week.
Par­ents of stu­dents be­ing bul­lied at school are ad­vised to file a re­port at any po­lice sta­tion, and it will be in­ves­ti­gat­ed.
In the lat­est in­ci­dent, 38-year-old Ker­ron Paul Wal­dron and Levi Gabriel, alias Max, went to pur­chase a burg­er at the cor­ner of Mer­cer Street out­side GIGS Sports Bar and Lounge around 10:30 ...
Re­tired bus dri­ver Cleophas Noel held his head in his hands, his body shak­ing with sobs as he re­mem­bered how he could not save his son, Eli­jah Noel, from be­ing shot dead by the po­lice.
It is no se­cret that Trin­bag­o­ni­ans love two things—to eat and get a dis­count. T&T Restau­rant Week (TTRW) ticks both of those box­es, al­low­ing pa­trons to try new restau­rants and off-menu ...
One man was killed in a po­lice shoot­ing at Beetham Gar­dens ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing. He has been iden­ti­fied as Ker­rance Bur­ton of 6th Street, Beetham Gar­dens.
When­ev­er I do train­ing pre­sen­ta­tions and em­cee du­ties here in Trinidad, I do a brief self-in­tro­duc­tion. I’d usu­al­ly end it with my ice­break­er. “I am a Guyana Ama­zon War­riors ...
This se­ries of ar­ti­cles has iden­ti­fied sys­temic short­com­ings that can and should be ad­dressed to make gov­ern­ment in­sti­tu­tions more func­tion­al.
In 2023, Maris­sa Yung Lee was award­ed a dis­tinc­tion by the pres­ti­gious Por­trait So­ci­ety of Amer­i­ca for their an­nu­al In­ter­na­tion­al Por­trait Com­pe­ti­tion. This year she was award­ed ...
At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Regi­nald Ar­mour has called on Se­nior Coun­sel Is­rael Khan to apol­o­gise for state­ments made about the fu­ture of ju­ry tri­als.