Twins Executive chair Joe Pohlad, shown in 2022, set off an early firestorm before the 2024 season even started when he said publicly the team had no plans to no desire to pursue expensive free ...
With a dearth of top prospects and an underwhelming product on the field, then-chairman Jim Pohlad admitted that change was needed, calling the franchise "a total system failure." Eight years ...
Arguably the most important change necessary would be at the ownership level. No matter how awful the Pohlad family is though, they aren’t going to fire themselves. The Athletic’s Aaron ...
Bobby Nightengale joined the Star Tribune in May, 2023, after covering the Reds for the Cincinnati Enquirer for five years. He's a graduate of Bradley University. The Twins' leaders will be judged ...
But instead of getting aggressive, the Pohlad family opted to go in the opposite direction, slashing payroll by some $30 million. There were extenuating circumstances at play in that decision ...
Najmenej tri obete a päť zranených si vo štvrtok vyžiadali ruské útoky v Doneckej oblasti na východe Ukrajiny. Uviedol to tamojší gubernátor Vadym Filaškin, píše TASR s odvolaním na správu agentúry ...
Those things didn't materialize last offseason, either. In February, Twins executive chair Joe Pohlad announced that they needed to “right-size” the business, resulting in a payroll cut of ...
Nobody is more to blame for their collapse than the Pohlad ownership group, which is now publicly headed by Joe Pohlad. But before Joe, it was his uncle Jim Pohlad, who acted as the public facing ...
NASSAU--With a battered team struggling to regain its mojo and a fanbase in full panic mode, it’s fair to assume that Twins ownership might be stressed, too. You’d assume wrong. “This is ...
V stredu (18. 9.) ráno bude možné pozorovať čiastočné zatmenie Mesiaca. Zo Slovenska bude pozorovateľný celý priebeh zatmenia nad západným obzorom ráno pred východom Slnka. TASR o tom informovala ...
BRATISLAVA - Okoloidúcich aj hasičov prekvapil výjav v jednej z bratislavských fontán. Ako totiž dokazujú zábery, nemenovaná žena sa vyzliekla len do nohavičiek a rozhodla sa vo fontáne okúpať. Neskôr ...
ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE – Rieka Malša v piatkových večerných hodinách dosiahla 1. povodňový stupeň. O to zarážajúcejšie bolo konanie tridsaťjedenročnej ženy, ktorá sa rozhodla kúpať v rozvodnenej rieke v ...