Lawyer Michael McDonald, left, with Mi'kmaw fishermen Logan Pierro-Howe, Leon Knockwood and James Nevin outside of the courthouse in Digby, N.S., on Sept. 1, 2022/Photo by Stephen Brake A trial ...
Jeremy Dutcher holds up a piece of red paper to the camera near the end of my interview with him via Zoom. The paper reads “Woliwon,” which means thank you in the Wolastoqey language, and we spend a ...
Former NSNWA president Cheryl Maloney, right, has filed a human rights complaint against Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil/Photos by Stephen Brake The former president of the Nova Scotia Native Women ...
Michelle Glasgow is the first female chief of Sipekne'katik First Nation in Nova Scotia, N.S./Photo by Stephen Brake Michelle Glasgow says she is still in shock at becoming the first woman to be ...
Rebecca Thomas, 31, is Halifax's poet laureate until April 2018/Photo by Stephen Brake When Halifax Regional Municipality named Rebecca Thomas it’s poet laureate for 2016-2018, she became the first Mi ...
Walking With Our Sisters is a commemoration art exhibition that remembers missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls/Photo by Stephen Brake Agnes Gould said she was overwhelmed with emotion when ...
One of several boats owned by Sipekne'katik lobster harvesters heads towards the Saulnierville Wharf on Sept. 19, 2020/Photo by Stephen Brake The Chief of the Sipekne’katik First Nation says lobster ...
Mi’kmaw poet and storyteller shalan joudry says she was inspired to write her play, KOQM, when she noticed the town of Annapolis Royal’s plans in 2021 to celebrate 400 years of the signing of the […] ...
Jeff Hayes, left, arrives at Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Halifax with his lawyer, Luke Craggs, for Day 2 of his jury trial on May 17/Photo by Stephen Brake The crown will present final arguments to ...
45 Indigenous youth left port in Halifax Aug. 1 aboard the Dutch tall ship, Gulden Leeuw/Photo by Stephen Brake A group of Indigenous youth from across Canada are currently sailing across the Atlantic ...
Robert Bernard, 3rd from left in back row, was the pitcher for the Whycocomagh Warriors when his team won 1st place at the 1985 Nova Scotia Indian Summer Games/Photo by Micmac News archives Robert ...
Newfoundland and Labrador cabinet minister Lisa Dempster said it was emotional for her as she followed high school students who took part in the Trail of Caribou Pilgrimage earlier this month. “I was ...