David Woodruff, a professor in CMU's Computer Science Department, and Samson Zhou from Texas A&M University received a ...
Carnegie Mellon is known for its stressful environment, and we realize that the pace and expectations of 15-213/15-513/14-513 can contribute to that stress. If you find yourself having trouble keeping ...
This page is optional reading. Some students wish to know a little more about the Java programming language and this page is the simplest explanation that I can formulate. The textbook doesn't ...
Textbooks Lectures are intended to be self-contained. For supplementary readings, with each lecture, we will have pointers to chapters from the following books: ...
The do special form provides a generalized iteration facility, with an arbitrary number of ``index variables.'' These variables are bound within the iteration and stepped in parallel in specified ways ...
Nor did they have long to wait, for the next morning as Clayton was emerging on deck for his accustomed walk before breakfast, a shot rang out, and then another, and another. The sight which met his ...
Am a PhD student in Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Alan Black. I actually consider myself the CTO of Alan Black Research Lab. I will design most of ...
Knowledge of 3-D object shape is important for robot manipulation, but may not be readily available in unstructured environments. We propose a framework that incrementally reconstructs tabletop 3-D ...
In this tutorial we'll begin by reviewing Markov Models (aka Markov Chains) and then...we'll hide them! This simulates a very common phenomenon... there is some underlying dynamic system running along ...
We review the idea of the margin of a classifier, and why that may be a good criterion for measuring a classifier's desirability. Then we consider the computational problem of finding the largest ...
Binds an array to a surface.
Fully programmable and adaptive light curtains for object detection on any ruled surface. A vehicle on a road or a robot in the field does not need a full-featured 3D depth sensor to detect potential ...