For more than 30 years, Berlin has been a haven for those seeking freedom and self-realization. The club scene serves not ...
An evening about a strong woman who, during a Gestapo interrogation, states: "If others have become traitors, I certainly will not." ...
13 Jahre nach dem Auffliegen des NSU stehen wir heute an einem Scheideweg des politischen Meinungskampfes. Während die politische Elite um die Bedeutungshoheit ringt, sind die sozialen Medien zu einem ...
Mr. Puntila and the giant thing in Mitte was the title of a production by Volksbühne director René Pollesch, premiered in 2021. This "giant thing" is the Volksbühne on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, which has ...
As part of the first Long Evening and as part of the public program for the exhibition HAPPINESS IS NOT ALWAYS FUN by Rirkrit ...
In den Goldenen Zwanzigern zeigt sich die Moderne in Berlin wie unter einem Brennglas. Es ist die Dekade der Neuen Sachlichkeit, der Bohéme in Opiumhöhlen und Kaffeehäusern, der selbstbewussten Frau ...
As part of the first Long Evening as part of the public program for the exhibition HAPPINESS IS NOT ALWAYS FUN by Rirkrit ...
To mark the recently published children's book A Completely Normal Day, editor Josephine Apraku and author Eric Otieno Sumba ...
The energy transition is intended to help curb climate change. The phase-out of fossil oil and natural gas must be well ...
The Ernst Busch Choir is a mixed Berlin seniors’ choir with around 55 singers that has been in existence since 1973. Since ...
The two Japanese chefs are owners of renowned ramen shops in Tokyo in the "Koike Group" - voted among the top 100 in Tokyo ...
A guided tour through the core exhibition on the anniversary of the October 7 attack (in English, German, and Hebrew) ...